CEA Newsletter September 2020
Updated: Dec 3, 2021
CEA Innovation Catalogue Webinar Series On The Sustainable Development Goals CEA Critical Edges Magazine
CEA Innovation Catalogue
We are launching the CEA IInnovation CCatalogue! Over the years of conferences and exchanges, we have encountered many good teachings and learning practices from the CEA universities. Through the catalogue, we attempt to collect and showcase educational and pedagogical innovations that have happened, or are going on in our respective universities. This aims to provide useful tools and models for teaching and learning for the CEA university community and beyond. We invite you to visit the Innovation Catalogue page, and see the initial case collection. The catalogue will be growing in the following weeks. We also encourage you to submit courses and programs that you think exemplifies alternative higher education approaches.
CEA Global Challenges – Global Answers CEA Webinar series on the Sustainable Development Goals
In this series experts from CEA member universities around the world will address major global challenges, such as social and economic inequality, climate distortion, biodiversity collapse, their underlying causes and interconnectedness. They will share perspectives on global, regional, and local challenges in the SDG context, present new data from measuring the SDG progress in selected regions and debate critical issues and possible solutions. Webinar 1 Planetary Boundaries - Thursday 8th October, 2020 at 5-6:30 PM (CEST) - German Ignacio Andrade, Professor at School of Management, University of the Andes, Senior Researcher, The Center for Sustainable Development Goals for Latin America and the Caribbean - Henrik Haugaard-Nielsen, Professor, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University The earth's ecosystem is heavily impacted by climate change, biodiversity loss and unsustainable agricultural practices. Join the webinar with mini-lectures and a dialogue on challenges and solutions between the experts. Sign up here for the event here
Webinar 2 Measuring SDG Performance: Progress and Barriers to Achievement - Thursday 15th October, 2020 at 5-6:30 PM (CEST) - Felipe Castro, Acting Director of The Center for Sustainable Development Goals for Latin America and the Caribbean (CODS) of the University of the Andes - Manish K. Jha, Professor at the Centre for Community Organisation and Development Practice (CODP), School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai SDG achievements in Latin America region will be presented based on the newly published 2019 SDG Index for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the present situation of attainment of SDGs in India be examined, followed by a discussion on trends and structural constraints to progress. The discussion will be situated in contemporary context of COVID-19 pandemic. Sign up for the event here Webinar 3 Circular Economy and Sustainable Cities, Thursday 22th October, 2020 at 5-6:30 PM (CEST) - Thomas Skou Grindsted, Assistant professor of Sustainability and Geography, Department of People and Technology, Space, Place, Mobility and Urban Studies at Roskilde University - Karen Gaul, Dean of Academics, Evergreen State College, Washington Acceleration of global environmental change challenges societies to embrace circular economy and establish new partnerships for sustainability goals. Join this webinar with mini-lectures and a dialogue on global parameters to local city development between professors from Evergreen State College and Roskilde University. Sign up for the event here See the programme online See the abstracts and recommended reading here CEA Critical Edges
The student magazine Critical Edges is growing and needs student your participation! Since last year, our magazine has been expanded in three different universities, where local students have been engaged to help co-create the student-led magazine. We are increasingly looking for student participants who want to learn how to run a magazine, and become critical writers or journalists. In these times of social, environmental and economic crisis, it is important for students from different parts of the world to join hands and together create knowledge to solve the growing amount of problems. Our magazine is working towards this global oriented education and critical co-production. - Call for submission We are calling for submission to our FOCUS: Identity Politics, Power and Resistance in the 21st Century. Submissions in multiple categories are welcomed: essays, book reviews, poetry, investigative works, autobiography, etc.. - Call for new members We are requesting all faculty members, and student representatives to reach out to your students and engage them in the creation of worldwide critical magazine. We especially need students from North America, Latin America and Africa. Please contact us at criticaledges@gmail.com for any inquiries. Send your submissions to us at ce.submission@gmail.com.