Updated: Dec 3, 2021
Successful Completion of the first CEA Webinar Series
Tata Institute of Social Sciences offers short online course on Contemporary India
CEA Secretariat
Critical Edges Offers Volunteer Positions
CEA Student Projects
Successful Completion of the first CEA Webinar Series The CEA webinar series “Global Challenges - Global Answers” on the UN Sustainable Development Goals were held in three consequtive weeks in October with CEA faculty from University of the Andes, The Center for the Sustainable Development Goals hosted by Uniandes, Tata Institute of Social Studies, Roskilde University and Evergreen State College. The themes of three webinars were “Planetary Boundaries”, “Measuring SDG Performance: Progress and Barriers to Achievement” and “Circular Economy and Sustainable Cities”. The webinars drew attendance from many countries across the globe with most attendees signing up from Colombia, France, Denmark, the US and India. The mini-lectures followed by lively exchanges and debates were much appreciated by faculty members, the student involved and the audience. We at the CEA secretariat express our big thanks to everyone, who contributed to making this new venture possible. Read more about the programme and see the abstracts here
Tata Institute of Social Sciences offers short online course on Contemporary India
The International Relations Office (IRO) at Tata Institute of Social Science invites international students to attend the online course “Introduction to Contemporary India" held during 16-27 November 2020. The course consists of seven online lectures or webinars delivered by TISS faculty.
The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic has brought all mobility programs to a halt; they have been either rescheduled or canceled. The uncertainty of the situation means that it is unclear when programs can be restarted. IRO hopes that potential incoming students can participate in this course and get a sense of what to expect from TISS and India.
It is a non-credited, beginner level courses, giving the participants introduction to various topics related to India and Indian context. It has been specifically designed for students who intend to study in India for both short term or long term basis. Students will be exposed to key themes and debates relevant to present day India such as Indian economy, caste and tribes, India’s development, environment, migration and human rights, gender and feminism. Participants can receive a digital certificate for participation. Read more here Register here
CEA Secretariat
Special Advisor, Rikke Nöhrlind, will be leaving CEA and Roskilde University by the end of this month. The advisory position with the alliance was tied to supporting the chairmanship; and this time limited project position terminates by the end of October.
Critical Edges Offers Volunteer Positions
The CEA student magazine Critical Edges will be expanding its scope of work and is looking for a Content Creation Coordinator, and a Community Outreach Coordinator. Application deadline: November 6th, 2020 Workload: 5-10 hours per week Start date: November 16th, 2020 Please read the call here!
CEA Student Projects
We are currently working on a project to promote student cooperation across CEA institutions at a time where physical meeting up is impossible. A note on the new concept of student motivators and project calls will be posted soon at this page. If you are interested, you can also contact CEA student assistant Adrijana Turajlic at adtu@ruc.dk for updates and possibilities.