Updated: Dec 3, 2021
CEA UN SDG Summer Course 2019 Panel Debate & Podcast News from CEA Student Community Announcement of 2020 CEA Conference News from Al-Akhawayn Call for Submissions to Critical Edges Magazine Postings on CEA Website
CEA UN SDG Summer Course 2019
The first joint CEA course “Framing Solutions and Drivers on Change – the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Theory and Practice” was held at Roskilde University on 19-30 August.
The course examined key global challenges of climate change, planetary boundaries, food chains, circular economies, urbanization, future farming and social innovation, as well as the cross cutting issues of global governance, inequality and social inclusion. The interconnectivity between the goals was illustrated in various lectures related to climate distortion, future farming, environmental economies, and social ecology. Students also examined the potential dilemma between planetary boundaries, ‘biosphere goals’ and social goals. They also identified key global problematics, analyzed national SDG reports and discussed solutions tracks in workshops. At a field visit students presented solutions to the Municipality of Guldborgsund - in response to challenges on urban inclusion and social integration aspects of its SDG work.
Teaching staff included faculty from various departments at RUC, the University of Copenhagen, the University of the Andes (Colombia) and Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS - India). Course hosts were John Andersen from Planning Studies, RUC and Rikke Nöhrlind, Special Advisor to CEA. CEA professors German Andrade German Andrade, senior researcher the UN SDG Center for Latin America and the Caribbean and P.K. Shajahan from TISS brought the “CEA spirit” to the course. Their lectures and much appreciated contributions throughout the first week were great assets to the course.
Altogether 17 students registered and 10 nationalities were represented at the course, including students from CEA members, i.e. Al Akhawayn University, University Paris 8 and Roskilde University. In future UN SDG courses, CEA aims to secure a balanced participation from CEA members across the alliance, involve more members in design and lecturing, and gradually expand the CEA UN SDG course with modules in different CEA locations. Read more about the course here.
Panel Debate on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
On 21 August 2019, a panel of experts from India, Columbia and Denmark debated global challenges and the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at an event in Copenhagen.The event was organized by the Critical Edge Alliance and Roskilde University.
Panelists were:
Mogens Lykketoft, former President of the UN General Assembly, former Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs
P.K. Shajahan, Professor at Tata Institute of Social Science in India
German Andrade, Senior Researcher at the Centre of the UN SDGs for Latin America and the Caribbean, University of the Andes, Colombia. Member of the Expert Panel of the Intergovernmental Panel of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Thomas Budde Christensen, Associate Professor, Head of Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Education in Circular Economy and Sustainability (CIRCLES), Roskilde University
Stine Junge, Senior Private Sector Advisor, UNDP Nordic Office
Claus Stig Pedersen, Head of Global Sustainability and Public Affairs, EMEA, NOVOZYMES
Rasmus Stuhr Jakobsen, Chair of Global Focus, CEO, CARE-Denmark
See the programme here and listen to a podcast with highlights from the event: Part I: Introduction to themes by panelists Part II: Questions and debate in the panel For access to the podcast on Soundcloud, please click here. We invite readers of the newsletter, in particular CEA member institutions, to give us feedback on the usefulness of podcasts as a means of sharing debates and exchange knowledge on issues of common concern. The panel debate podcast was prepared with the particular purpose to share in CEA. News from CEA Student Community Meet and stay up-to date-with our global team of Student Representatives, and welcome to the new members of the team! - Shreya Urvashi, a PhD student at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). She is in charge of TISS's CEA student collective; - Sergio Yodeb Velásquez Yepes, who studies at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, and represents the local CEA student collective; - Gaëtan Chevreau and Taysir Mathlouthi, the Student Representatives at Université Paris XIII Vincennes - Saint-Denis; - Ariel Faccioli, who is in charge of PUC RIO's student collective; - A warm welcome to Adrijana Turajlic, who has recently been elected as the new Student Representative at Roskilde University. - A big thank you to Julia Freya Madsen, who has recently ended her term as RUC's Student Representative and has been active in CEA for years. - Since September, CEA has a new student assistant: Alexander (Sascha) Husenbeth. He studies his Bachelor's degree in Social Psychology & International Studies at Roskilde University. You can contact him at alhu@ruc.dk. Get in touch!
Call for Student Representatives We hereby invite all CEA partners who - so far - have no Student Representatives or student collective, to officially appoint or elect a student interested in building up and maintaining a local collective committed to CEAs values and goals of championing critical and progressive Higher Education in a globally-oriented manner. The volunteers will join our global team of Student Representatives and will be welcomed by all of us!
CEA Annual Conference 2020 The next annual conference of the alliance, hosted by University Paris XIII, Saint Denis, Greater Paris, is scheduled for 10-12 June, 2020.
News from Al-Akhawayn
At AUI, we would like to count on more collaboration from faculty from other CEA members (like when our May Intersession was circulated among all member institutions). In 2020 and 2021, we will also be hosting some international and national events that can be of interest to other CEA members (conferences, workshops, seminars) in which we would welcome the participation of CEA members. We have an intensive Arabic program in June and July in which we would welcome CEA members. Read more here.
Call for Submissions to Critical Edges Our international student magazine Critical Edges is calling for submission to the FOCUS: Times of Crises in Media! Media is a double-edged sword. It changed our societies, for better or worse. It is a powerful tool that can serve to educate or fool. Today, we live in a time where media is in crisis. We hope that students everywhere can engage in meaningful and multi-perspective discussions, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the problems with media globally. We hope that we can share knowledge to inspire and encourage more people to find ways to address issues related to the dangers and opportunities of media interaction. Have your say and contribute! And please read our full call for submission and guidance here.