Pontifícia Universidade Cathólica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro was the first private higher education institution in the country, created by the Catholic Church in 1940.
Beyond providing education, PUC-Rio undertook the task of assisting the community, based on Christian ethical values, solidarity, and human respect. PUC-Rio represents a space for achievement, overcoming challenges, and development of its students.

The referential starting-point of PUC-Rio is the complete development of the human being in two main perspectives: the philosophical and the theological. PUC-Rio is a non-profit philanthropic institution. It is a Catholic university based in Christian humanistic principles.
Besides that, it is a doctoral research institution that focuses primarily on the development of academic and scientific knowledge. PUC-Rio is united by a common interest in seeking the truth and acting in accordance with the needs of society and with the ever-changing world. For example, students engage with low-income neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro and engage in programs for pupils with learning difficulties.
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